Luca Moretto, vespa Venice a San Pietroburgo

The opening ceremony of the "Gala de l'Art 2017" awards, the eagerly awaited exhibition organized by Monac'Art and sponsored by the Italian Embassy took place on Saturday, June 17 in the Principality of Monaco.
From more than 1000 participating artists, 11 finalists were selected by a well-respected jury composed of: Ambassador of Italy in the Principality of Monaco Cristiano Gallo, Dr. Giuseppe Sergio Carlo Ambrosio, the Director of the Royal Monaco magazine Luigi Dott. Mattera and the Director of Iori House of Auctions Stefano Iori.
The artists, Lorenzo Zenucchini (1st place), Annemarie Ambrosoli (2nd place) and Luca Moretto (3rd place), have been chosen as the best representatives of the New Generation of Italian art. They accepted their awards in the beautiful setting of the Fairmont Monte Carlo. As of next week their artworks will be exhibited at the Italian Embassy in the Principality of Monaco.
Luca Moretto says: "It was exciting to hear the reading of my motto - Even from the deepest sorrow, the brightest optimism may be born - by the ambassador: Dr. Cristiano Gallo who then encouraged me to continue to believe. He prompted me to remain a spokesperson of this positive message that I convey through colors and silicone matter to an increasing and important audience."
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